55. “Days of Thunder” review + F1 break updates | F1/motorsport/cars film/TV reviews

Box Box F1 Pod
Box Box F1 Pod
55. "Days of Thunder" review + F1 break updates | F1/motorsport/cars film/TV reviews

Feel the need for speed? We’re reviewing Days of Thunder, which is almost like Top Gun but with NASCAR & Nicole Kidman. Still v speedy and v Tom Cruise-y though. Plus we’re talking about F1 drivers getting back to training (which is evidently a very loose term) and team shakeups. Anyone else notice how weird some of these people’s names are? Like Aston Martin’s Mike Krack & Alpine’s now-fired Mike Wazowski? Boxes, let’s discuss! 📦📦

  • Digital Warmup
    • Lap 1: Team shake ups
      • Aston Martin
      • Alpine
    • Lap 2: F1 drivers start their training
      • Lando Norris lifts weights and looks at pancakes
      • Carlos Sainz eats some bland chicken 
      • Max Verstappen “runs”
      • Charles Leclerc scales the alps
  • Days of Thunder
    • Overview
    • Plot
    • Characters
    • Fav moments
  • Box Box

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