40. The Turkish GP | Race debriefs

Box Box F1 Pod
Box Box F1 Pod
40. The Turkish GP | Race debriefs

Istanbul was once Constantinople! Now it’s Max in first, not Lewis Hamilton! We’re debriefing the Turkish GP, including unsubstantiated rumors, tire strategy (or lack thereof), fav radio messages, and some of the spicier performances (vamos Carlos!). Boxes, let’s get boxing! 

  • Digital Warmup
    • Lap 1: Ferrari rumors
  • Racing Rhyme
  • Analysis
    • Strategy
      • Tires (which ones & for how long?!)
      • Strategy (to pit or not to pit?!)
    • Communication
      • Pit stops
      • The Radio!
    • Results
  • Driver of the Day
    • Def Carlos Sainz
    • Extra shoutout to Valtteri and Checo
  • Dick in the Box Box
    • Ferrari (sorry)
  • Box Box
    • Murica next!
    • Like, share, review, subscribe, & follow us on social!

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